
lighthouse.log.cli.color_string(color, string)[source]

Colorizes a given string, if coloring is available.


Returns the colorama Fore color for a given log level.

If color is not available, returns None.


Generates a never-ending cycle of colors to choose from for individual threads.

If color is not available, a cycle that repeats None every time is returned instead.


Associates the thread ID with the next color in the thread_colors cycle, so that thread-specific parts of a log have a consistent separate color.

class lighthouse.log.cli.CLIHandler(stream=None)[source]

Bases: logging.StreamHandler, object

Specialized StreamHandler that provides color output if the output is a terminal and the colorama library is available.

Initialize the handler.

If stream is not specified, sys.stderr is used.


Returns true if the handler’s stream is a terminal.


Formats a given log record to include the timestamp, log level, thread ID and message. Colorized if coloring is available.