Writing Load Balancer Plugins

The base class for balancer plugins (lighthouse.balancer.Balancer) is deceptively simple, most of the heavy lifting is left to plugin writers.

The only balancer-specific method a subclass must define is the sync_file() method, however there are implicit requirements for a load balancer plugin to work well, such as gracefully reacting to configuration changes without dropping traffic and not placing limits to the number of potential nodes handled.

Balancer plugins aren’t necessary limited to load balancing either. Any sort of clustering system, such as the ones for RabbitMQ or PostgreSQL replication setups can benefit from having a balancer plugin that automatically determines potential member nodes. The only limit is your imagination!


The project includes an HAProxy balancer plugin via the lighthouse.haproxy.balancer.HAProxy class. HAProxy is a powerful tool with quite a few configuration options so the support code to get the plugin to work is extensive.

Required Methods

  • validate_dependencies(cls) (classmethod):

    This classmethod should check that all required external dependencies for your plugin are met.

    If the requirements are met, this method should return True. If not met it should return False.

  • validate_config(cls, config) (classmethod):

    The “config” argument to this classmethod is the result of loading the YAML config file for the plugin (e.g. checks/mycheck.yaml for the example above).

    This method should analyze the config dictionary object and raise a ValueError exception for any invalid content.

  • apply_config(self, config):

    This instance method’s config argument is also the result of a loaded YAML config file, albeit one that has already been validated.

    This method should take the validated dictionary object and set any sort of attributes/state/etc. on the instance as necessary.


    It it is incredibly important that this method be idempotent with regards to instances of your Balancer subclass. Configurations can be altered at any time in any manner, sometimes with invalid values! You want your plugin’s state to reflect the contents of the YAML config file at all times.

  • sync_file(self, clusters):

    This method takes a list of lighthouse.cluster.Cluster instances and should write or update the load balancer’s configuration files to reflect the member nodes of the clusters.